About Us

Amberwing Organics by NJ Farms is all about providing safe and reliable healing products. This company is named after Nancy Jean Schiller (NJ Farms), who left this world on a rainy afternoon in July of 2018 at the end of her courageous battle with Breast Cancer. At the same time, our hemp crop was struggling to take hold in the field across the road from her childhood home. By the grace of God, Mother Nature, and maybe even some help from Nancy, our crop that year yielded beautiful high-quality, full-spectrum CBD oil. From there, NJ Farms continued to expand. Our CBD oil is extracted with a patented Cold CO2™ process, so as not to expose individuals who seek healing to the harmful chemical residue that can be present in other forms of CBD oil extraction.

Nancy was a beloved daughter, sister, wife, mother, aunt and friend. It is our mission at NJ Farms to carry out her passion for holistic, natural, and clean products that help to heal our world.
The Dragonfly
Here at NJ Farms, the Dragonfly holds a special place in our hearts. Our field this summer was full of them. During her fight, Nancy had a Dragonfly inked on her forearm. While receiving chemo and the many other IV treatments she endured, she found peace and hope by focusing on her Dragonfly.
A Dragonfly’s life is brief — they live a complete lifespan in only seven months. However, throughout many cultures and beliefs, they symbolize transformation, renewal, and even resurrection. Nancy believed that Dragonflies were angels that came down to earth. What we know to be true is that a brief life that brings beauty to the world is a wonderful life!